Capita - EV481343

Description: 11/08/11 Liz asked to hold provisionally
Will want 30 delegates cabaret style. Room £50 + £15 for cabaret seating in PR - Total £65
16/08/11 Booking confirmed by email voucher
02/09/11 Liz phoned from Capita to change times to 0930 to 1330 - email voucher amendment received
07/09/11 Liz increased delegates to 40 by email voucher
09/09/11 Liz requested projector screen in place
Confirmation status: Confirmed
Room: Highnam - Parish Rooms
Start time: 09:30:00 - Monday 12 September 2011
Duration: 4 hours
End time: 13:30:00 - Monday 12 September 2011
Type: Corporate
Created by: bill
Last updated: 21:43:15 - Wednesday 16 November 2011
Repeat type: None
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