NHS 2GETHER Foundation Trust - PO - GSS567197 & GSS574730

Description: 17/12/15 Originall booked in OS by Melissa Law in OS by email. Melissa.law@nhs.net
01432 262408
18/12/15 PO cover received £85
40 delegates. Require 13 small square tables with 3 chairs at each. Projector, screen and flip chart
20/01/15 Hilary Priestman changed to GPH by email
Additional £50 cost to original order will be sorted by Melissa
03/02/16 Additional PO cover received by email

Confirmation status: Confirmed
Room: Highnam - Gambier Parry
Start time: 08:30:00 - Wednesday 02 March 2016
Duration: 8.5 hours
End time: 17:00:00 - Wednesday 02 March 2016
Type: Corporate
Created by: bill
modifiedby: bill
Last updated: 16:51:50 - Thursday 25 February 2016
Repeat type: None
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