C5372 - Glos Society of Botanical Illustrators

Description: 09/02/11 Booking form received by post from Rex Harden charge £52
56 Pirton Lane
GL3 2SJ rexharden@blueyonder.co.uk
01452 712042
10/02/11 Confirmed booking by e-mail and requested £25 deposit
28/03/11 £25 deposit received - Balance £32
02/02/12 Balance payment received
Confirmation status: Confirmed
Room: Highnam - Gambier Parry
Start time: 11:00:00 - Saturday 04 February 2012
Duration: 4 hours
End time: 15:00:00 - Saturday 04 February 2012
Type: Casual Paid
Created by: bill
Last updated: 11:17:50 - Tuesday 28 February 2012
Repeat type: None
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