C5886 - Cotswold Bengali Association

Description: 22/02/16 Booked by Anupam Patra by email
Anupam.patra@gmail.com 01452 864812/07972 761564
Booking form emailed
23/02/16 Booking form returned by email. £25 deposit paid by transfer
03/01/16 Anupam changed finish time to 1700. Balance now £45
24/01/17 Indrani extended to 1800 by email - balnce now £55
25/01/16 Balance paid by transfer
Confirmation status: Confirmed
Room: Highnam - Parish Rooms
Start time: 10:00:00 - Saturday 04 February 2017
Duration: 8 hours
End time: 18:00:00 - Saturday 04 February 2017
Type: Casual Paid
Created by: bill
modifiedby: bill
Last updated: 09:34:18 - Wednesday 25 January 2017
Repeat type: None
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