5265 Ian Powell party PAID

Description: detail to follow, BF sent 02/04/10
7.30 to 11.30pm GPH, 80 guests approx
Acorn Powell Ltd 5 Brearley Court ,Baird Road
Waterwells Bus. Pk, GL2 2AF
Surprise birthday party
7 Mary Grove GL2 8NH
07973 733887 01452 414025
Confirmation status: Confirmed
Room: Highnam - Gambier Parry
Start time: 18:00:00 - Saturday 07 August 2010
Duration: 6 hours
End time: 00:00:00 - Sunday 08 August 2010
Type: Casual Paid
Created by: paddy
Last updated: 21:43:15 - Wednesday 16 November 2011
Repeat type: None
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